Tuesday, 9 June 2009


Like many people at the moment, I am on a 'try not to do any' spending spree. Money needs to go further than it used to and inevitably that means no expensive treats or impulse buys. As a woman, that particular burden is very hard to bear.

In a moment of melancholic madness I started thinking about things I could do to cheer myself up a bit. Things that wouldn't cost the earth and would make me feel good. Slowly it dawned on me that I already do lots of things that, if I allowed them too, could cheer me up. Incredibly, in my quest for pleasure I have simply stopped appreciating them. Unforgiveable!

This was such a revelation to me that I started to wonder whether others might be in the same situation. Might have lost touch with the simple things in life. The some might say, dull things in life. So, being the generous soul that I am I thought I would share with you some of the items I identified in the hope that you might begin to seek out the little gems in your own life and start to savour them for yourself.

  1. Chip Butties

  2. Sitting on the sofa with your hubby watching a good film and sharing a bag of Maltesers.

  3. Snuggling under the duvet on a dark and cold morning and hearing your neighbour scraping ice off their car windscreen.

  4. A smile from a stranger whilst walking down the street.

  5. Listening to poetry being recited by a 'dark brown' voice.

  6. Admiring a well kept garden (not mine for sure).

  7. Spending the afternoon with family and enjoying a good old natter.

  8. Hearing children from the local school playing in the playground at lunchtime.

  9. Watching an elderly couple walking hand in hand.

  10. Birdsong.

  11. Getting a card or a letter in the post from a friend.

  12. Sharing a joke with friends.

  13. A walk in the countryside.

  14. Playing a good old fashioned boardgame like scrabble and not needing to win.

  15. A mug of hot tea and some thick sliced toast with just a little too much butter.

  16. Looking at old photographs and taking a walk down memory lane.

  17. Buying a favourite bar of chocolate for someone you love.

  18. Taking a trip to the seaside and eating fish and chips in the rain.

  19. A long soak in the bath and getting into bed with newly laundered bed linen.

  20. Watching a craftsman at work.

Let me know of any I've missed.

1 comment:

  1. So obvious I am ashamed of you!! Might have to unfollow you ;-P Having a blast with twitter chums who can always spread the love and raise a smile when the world seems a very dark place ;-)
