Monday, 11 May 2009


Sometimes life is all or nothing....don't you find?

Maybe it's just me but life seems to go in waves and there doesn't seem to be any logic as to why.

Since losing my job in February I have been focusing on getting my own business off the ground and that has been a slow and sometimes difficult process. Don't get me wrong, it's a great thing to be doing but it has required me to change significantly in order to achieve anything. And I'm still changing.

As we all know change can be a difficult thing to deal with and without the support of friends and family it can be quite stressful too!

Until now I have always been able to 'hide' behind the company I have worked for and use it as a 'mask' but now as a budding 'entrepreneur' I am my business and that can be challenging.

Despite being reasonably gregarious, I often struggle when I walk into a room of complete strangers and I for some reason seem to have set myself up to do exactly that on three different occasions this week alone!

What am I? Mad?

Tonight I am off to a public speaking group for the first time and don't really know what to expect. apart from sweaty palms.

Thursday sees me making my first visit to the local WI (apparently I am not too young any more)

and on Friday I am off to a Chamber Networking group.

They say it is all character building and we can all do with a bit of that from time to time but I wonder if I am the only person who struggles with a room full of strangers or whether everyone else feels the same way?

I guess the only way to find out is to ask them...

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